
ANANDflash-memorychipconsistsofmultipleblocks,andeachblockismadeupofafixednumberofpages.Ablockisthesmallestunitthateraseoperations ...,Thisdocumentexplainshowtorecognizefactory-generatedbadblockstomanagebadblocksthatdevelopduringthelifetimeofNANDFlashmemory.Itcoversall ...,故障區塊管理(BadBlockManagement)可偵測及標記出快閃記憶體中故障區塊,並事先預留備用區塊,以便在區塊故障時加以替補,如此可防...

[PDF] A Bad-Block Test Design for Multiple Flash

A NAND flash-memory chip consists of multiple blocks, and each block is made up of a fixed number of pages. A block is the smallest unit that erase operations ...

[PDF] Bad Block Management in NAND Flash Memory

This document explains how to recognize factory-generated bad blocks to manage bad blocks that develop during the lifetime of NAND Flash memory. It covers all ...


故障區塊管理(Bad Block Management)可偵測及標記出快閃記憶體中故障區塊,並事先預留備用區塊,以便在區塊故障時加以替補,如此可防止資料再度被寫入故障區塊中,進而提高產品 ...

Print list of bad blocks in NAND flash from user space

Is there any user space tool that can retrieve and dump the list of bad blocks in a NAND flash device? I've checked the mtdinfo command line utility.

[PDF] Bad Block Information Introduction

This application note describes how Macronix marks bad blocks in NAND flash and recommends the creation and usage of a bad block table to ...

Bad Block Management

Bad Block Management detects and marks bad blocks, utilizes the reserved extra capacity to substitute the unusable blocks, and prevents data from being written ...

壞塊管理(Bad Block Management)

由晶圓經過檢測、切割、封裝等眾多流程才會封裝成NAND Flash顆粒(NAND Flash晶片);在這過程中,NAND Flash顆粒裡面可能會產生壞塊,這類壞塊由於技術因素無可避免。

[PDF] Understanding Bad Block Management in NAND Flash Memory

Managed flash will detect any bad block during write operations to the NAND flash memory cell, and if an error occurs, will mark the block as bad and retire it.

Bad Block Management in NAND flash: This is how it works!

If the bit error rate of a section is above a certain limit during the write/read test, the block is marked as a bad block. In the unlikely ...

NAND Flash Bad Block Management

How to check bad block? Nand flash manufactory will mark the bad block with one flag in the spare area of nand flash out of factory . This bad block is what we called initial bad block. This flag is what we called bad block indication (BBI).